business process optimizatioN

  • Plan development for organization consolidation, integration and expansion

  • Automation solutions to support workflow and billing collection process

  • Change management techniques to drive stability, effectiveness and adoption

  • Deployment of policies and procedures, based on best practice to match business philosophy

  • Business office and/or practice workflow, staffing and training

Revenue cycle system DESIGN and software integration

  • Data structure and element review to enable operational automation and productivity

  • RCM System set up guidance to support current operation and future growth

  • Utilization of comprehensive data to drive operational and financial reporting

  • RCM "Wellness" analysis



  • Utilizing dashboards, reports and reporting tools to successfully manage departments

  • Work with financial and operations teams with data visibility

  • Consultative, financial, operational and contract analysis

  • Financial and Operational Due Diligence (Pre or Post aquisition)

organizational and cultural effectiveness

  • Physician Productivity

  • Blending Strategic Initiatives, Business Philosophy and Industry Standards with solution-based methodology to drive results


Patient Experience Improvement

  • Patient Access

  • Patient engagement; understanding customer service from first contact to long term retention

  • The "Feelings are Non-Negotiable" concept